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Systools - Date/Time procedures and functions.

Systools - Date/Time procedures and functions  


AstJulianDate Converts TStDate to Astronomical Julian Date
AstJulianDatePrim Converts any Year, Month, Date, UT to Astronomical
Julian Date
AstJulianDateToStDate Converts Astronomical Julian Date to TStDate
BondDateDiff Days between two dates using different financial
Convert2ByteDate Converts an OPRO date to TStDate
Convert4ByteDate Converts a TStDate to OPRO date
CurrentDate Current date as TStDate
CurrentDateString Current date as string
CurrentTime Current time as TStTime
CurrentTimeString Current time as string
DateDiff Days between two dates
DateTimeToStDate Converts a Delphi TDateTime to a TStDate
DateTimeToStTime Converts a Delphi TDateTime to a TStTime
DateStringHMStoAstJD Astronomical Julian Date from date string and time
DateStringToDMY Converts date string to days, months, and years
DateStringToStDate Converts date string to a TStDate
DateTimeDiff Days and seconds between two points in time
DayOfWeek Day of the week for a TStDate date.
DayOfWeekDMY Day of the week for the day, month, year
DayOfWeekToString Returns the name of the day of the week
DaysInMonth Returns number of days in specified month
DecTime Decreases time by a specified amount
DMYToDateString Converts day, month, and year to date string
DMYToStDate Converts day, month, and year to TStDate
HMSToStTime Converts hours, minutes, seconds to TStTime
IncDate Adjusts a date by the specified number of days,
months and years
IncDateTime Adjusts a date and time by the specified number of
days and seconds
IncDateTrunc Adjusts a date the specified number of months and years
IncTime Increases time by a specified amount
InternationalDate Returns a picture mask for the Windows short date
InternationalLongDate Returns a picture mask for the Windows long date string
InternationalTime Returns a picture mask for the Windows time string.
IsLeapYear Checks if given year is a leap year
MonthToString Returns name of given month
RoundToNearestHour Rounds a time to the nearest hour
RoundToNearestMinute Rounds a time to the nearest minute
StDateToDateString Converts a TStDate to a date string
StDateToDateTime Converts a TStDate to a Delphi TDateTime
StDateToDMY Converts a TStDate to day, month, and year
StTimeToDateTime Converts a TStTime to a Delphi TDateTime
StTimetoHMS Converts a TStTime to hours, minutes, and seconds
StTimeToTimeString Converts a TStTime to a time string
TimeDiff Returns the absolute difference between two times
TimeStringToHMS Converts a time string to hours, minutes, and seconds
TimeStringToStTime Converts a time string to a TStTime
ValidDate Checks if a given date is valid
ValidTime Checks if a given time is valid
WeekOfYear Returns the week number for a specified date

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