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SysTools - BCD Math.

SysTools - BCD Math  


AbsBcd Returns the absolute value of a BCD number
AddBcd Sums two BCD variables
BcdExt Converts a BCD number to an extended number
CmpBcd Compares two BCD numbers
ConvertBcd Resizes a BCD number
DivBcd Divides a BCD number by another
EqDigitsBcd Compares two BCD numbers after rounding to the specified
number of digits
EqPlacesBcd Compares two BCD numbers after rounding to the specified
number of places
ExpBcd Raises e (= 2.718281828459...) to the specified power
ExtBcd Converts an extended value to a BCD number
FloatFormBcd Converts a BCD number to a string in the specified format
FormatBcd Converts a BCD number to a string in the specified format
FracBcd Returns the fractional part of a BCD number
IntBcd Returns the integer part of a BCD number
IntPowBcd Raises a BCD number to the specified integer power
IsIntBcd Checks if a BCD number has a fractional part
LnBcd Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a BCD number
LongBcd Converts a long integer to a BCD number
MulBcd Returns the product of two BCD numbers
NegBcd Reverses the sign of a BCD number
PowBcd Raises a BCD number to the specified power
RoundBcd Rounds a BCD to the nearest integer and returns a long integer
RoundDigitsBcd Returns a BCD number with a specified number of significant
RoundPlacesBcd Rounds a BCD number to the specified number of decimal places
SqrtBcd Returns the square root of a BCD number
StrBcd Converts a BCD number to a string in floating point format
StrExpBcd Converts a BCD value to a string in scientific notation
StrGeneralBcd Converts a BCD number to a string
SubBcd Subtracts one BCD value from another
TruncBcd Truncates a BCD number and returns a long integer
ValBcd Converts a string to a BCD number

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