
Help&Manual ReadMe.
You do not have to be an expert - Help & Manual is your expert assistant
True WYSIWYG means: the help project is displayed at designtime like it will appear at runtime
Don't worry about RTF documents, footnotes and commands in brackets
Create Windows 3.11 and Windows95 /NT help files (including Windows95 help content files)
Create HTML documentation from the same source (with/without frames, single/multiple pages, automatic hyperlink recognition, automatic image conversion, customized page layouts, ...)
Insert linked or embedded images with one mouseclick
Use Bitmaps, Metafiles or Segmented Hyper Graphics
Insert links to other topics or use macros. With Help & Manual this is as easy as selecting an item from a list
Jumps to the middle of a topic and jumps to a specific paragraph
Content tree, help topics and context sensitive help - this is all accessable from one window
To define keywords for a topic, simply click with your right mouse button...
Multi-level keywords
Use different windows
Specials: Screen capture, character table, spell checker for various languages, import of Delphi2/3 projects
Delphi special: The registered version of Help & Manual will include the source of TContextHelp.This delphi component (Delphi 2+3) will link context sensitive help by form- and controlnames: no more HelpContext from now on and: forget any [MAP] sections!