Учебный процесс
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на mf.grsu.by
Главная страница
Учебный процесс
Справочники, словари, ссылки
Электронные научные журналы
PA Times
Pacific historical review
Pacific journal of mathematics
Pacific philosophical quarterly
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
Packaging Technology & Engineering
Packaging technology and science
Paediatric anaesthesia
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology
Paint & Coatings Industry
Paint & Ink International
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Palliative medicine
Paperboard Packaging
Papers in regional science
Papers on Language & Literature
Parallel Computing
Parasite immunology
Parasitology International
Parasitology research
Parasitology today
Parkinsonism and Related Disorders
Parks & Recreation
Participation and empowerment
Particle and particle systems characterization
Pastoral psychology
Pathologe, Der
Pathologie - Biologie
Pathology - Research and practice
Patient education and counseling
Patient education management
Pattern analysis and applications
Pattern recognition
Pattern Recognition Letters
PC magazine
PC magazine
PCCP : physical chemistry chemical physics
Peace & Change
Peace Research Abstracts Journal
Peace Review
Peacekeeping & International Relations
Pediatric and developmental pathology
Pediatric cardiology
Pediatric nephrology
Pediatric Neurology
Pediatric pulmonology
Pediatric radiology
Pediatric surgery international
Pensions and Investments
People Management
Perception & psychophysics
Performance Computing
Performance computing
Performance Evaluation
Periodica mathematica Hungarica
Permafrost and periglacial processes
Personal and ubiquitous computing
Personality and Individual Differences
Personnel Journal
Personnel Journal
Perspectives in biology and medicine
Perspectives in drug discovery and design
Perspectives on Political Science
Pest management science
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology
PflЭgers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology
Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae
Pharmaceutical chemistry journal
Pharmaceutical Executive
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Review
Pharmaceutical research
Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Today
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety
Pharmacological research
Pharmacological reviews
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
Pharmacy and pharmacology communications
Pharmacy world and science
Pharmazie in unserer Zeit
Phenomenology and cognitive sciences
Phi Delta Kappan
Philips Journal of Research
Philosophical books
Philosophical forum
Philosophical magazine A
Philosophical magazine B
Philosophical magazine B
Philosophical magazine letters
Philosophical Psychology
Philosophical psychology
Philosophical quarterly
Philosophical studies
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences
Philosophy and literature
Philosophy and rhetoric
Philosophy east and west
Philosophy east and west
Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Philosophy of the social sciences
Philosophy, psychiatry and psychology
Photochemistry and photobiology
Photonic network communications
Photosynthesis research
Physica A: Statistical and theoretical physics
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Physica B: Condensed Matter
Physica C: Superconductivity
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nonostructures
physica status solidi a
physica status solidi b
Physical Educator
Physical oceanography
Physical review letters Online
Physical review online archive
Physical review. A
Physical review. B
Physical review. C
Physical review. D
Physical review. E
Physical review. Series 1
Physical review. Series 2
Physical review. Special topics
Physical therapy
Physician and sports medicine
Physician Executive
Physician's Management
Physics and chemistry of minerals
Physics and chemistry of the earth
Physics and chemistry of the earth, Part A: Solid earth and geodesy
Physics and chemistry of the earth, Part B: Hydrology, oceans and atmosphere
Physics and chemistry of the earth, Part C: Solar, terrestrial and planetary science
Physics education
Physics in medicine and biology
Physics Letters A
Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors
Physics of the solid state
Physics today
Physiological and molecular plant pathology
Physiological measurement
Physiological reviews
Physiology and Behaviour
Physiotherapy theory and practice
Phytochemical analysis
Phytotherapy research
Pigment and resin technology
Pipe Line & Gas Industry
Pipeline & Gas Journal
Pit & Quarry
Planetary and Space Science
Planning Practice & Research
Planning Practice & Research
Plant and soil
Plant cell
Plant cell reports
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture
Plant ecology
Plant Engineering
Plant foods for human nutrition
Plant growth regulation
Plant molecular biology
Plant molecular biology reporter
Plant molecular biology reporter
Plant physiology
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Plant Science
Plant systematics and evolution
Planta : an international journal of plant biology
Plasma chemistry and plasma processing
Plasma physics and controlled fusion
Plasma sources science and technology
Plasmas and ions
Plasmas and polymers
Plastics News
Plastics Technology
Plastics, additives and compounding
Platinum metals review
Poetics today
Poiesis and praxis
Polar biology
Police quarterly
Policing: an international journal of police strategies and management
Policy & Practice of Public Human Services
Policy, politics and nursing practice
Political behavior
Political communication
Political Geography
Political quarterly
Political Science Quarterly
Political studies
Political studies
Political theory
Political theory
Polymer Degradation and Stability
Polymer Gels and Networks
Polymer international
Polymers for advanced technologies
Popular Electronics
Popular Electronics
Popular Mechanics
Popular music
Popular Science
Population and development review
Population and environment
Population ecology
Population Reports
Population research and policy review
Portal: libraries and the academy
Positions: east asia cultures critique
Positivity: an international journal devoted to the theory and applications of positivity in analysis
Postgraduate medicine
Postharvest Biology and Technology
Potential analysis
Powder metallurgy and metal ceramics
Power engineering journal
Practical diabetes international
Precambrian Research
Precision agriculture
Prenatal diagnosis
Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments
Preventing School Failure
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Pricing strategy and practice
Primary Care Update for OB/GYNS
Primary Educator
Prison Journal
Privata affДrer
Privata affДrer
Private Asset Management
Private Equity Week
Private Placement Letter
Private Placement Report
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
Probability theory and related fields
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, Part C: Journal of mechanical engineering science
Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, Part H: Journal of engineering in medicine
Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, Part I: Journal of systems and control engineering
Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, Part J: Journal of engineering tribology
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh : Sect. A : Mathematics
Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society: Mathematical, physical and engineering sciences
Professional Builder
Professional geographer
Professional Safety
Professional Safety
Professional School Counseling
Program : electronic library and information systems
Program Manager
Progress in Aerospace Sciences
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
Progress in human geography
Progress in Lipid Research
Progress in Materials Science
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry
Progress in Nuclear Energy
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Progress In Oceanography
Progress in Organic Coatings
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
Progress in Pediatric Cardiology
Progress in photovoltaics
Progress in physical geography
Progress In Planning
Progress in Quantum Electronics
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research
Progress in Solid State Chemistry
Progress in structural engineering and materials
Progress in Surface Science
Progress in tourism and hospitality research
Progress of theoretical physics
Project Management Journal
Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics
Property management
Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators
Protection of metals
Protein expression and purification
Proteins: structure, function, and genetics
PS: Preventive Maintenance Monthly
PSA Journal
PSA Journal
Psychiatric quarterly
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
Psychiatry Research
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
Psychological medicine
Psychological Record
Psychological research
Psychology and marketing
Psychology of sport and exercise
Psychology Today
Psychology Today
Psychology, Health & Medicine
Psychopharmacology Update
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal
Psychosomatic medicine : journal of the American Psychosomatic Society
Psychotherapy research
Public Administration
Public administration
Public administration and development
Public Administration Review
Public Administration Review
Public Budgeting & Finance
Public Finance Quarterly
Public Finance Quarterly
Public Finance Review
Public Finance Review
Public health nursing
Public Health Reports
Public health reports
Public management (US)
Public management (US)
Public Money & Management
Public opinion quarterly
Public organization review
Public Personnel Management
Public Personnel Management
Public Relations Quarterly
Public Relations Quarterly
Public Relations Review
Public Relations Tactics
Public Roads
Public understanding of science
Public Welfare
Public Works Management & Policy*
Publishing Research Quarterly
Pulmonary pharmacology
Pulmonary pharmacology and therapeutics
Pulp & Paper
Pump Industry Analyst
Pure and applied geophysics
Pure and applied optics
За содержание страницы отвечает
Гончарова М.Н.
Кафедра СПиКБ
, 2002-2017